Veteran spreading peace through public art

Peace of Art. Iraqi war veteran Mark Stach turns trampoline frames into works of public art
Iraqi war veteran Mark Stach was playing with his children on the family trampoline, just as he had done many times before; however, this particular time he landed wrong, his tailbone crashing on the metal frame. The fall was enough of a scare to make him decide to take down the trampoline. As he was disassembling it, he began thinking about what he might do with the frame as he didn’t want to discard it. At some point in the process the idea of turning the trampoline frame into a lighted peace sign symbol crossed his mind. With that, the “Peace of Art Project” was born.
What started out as a single display in his family’s yard quickly grew into 15 displays throughout Illinois and Iowa with more planned.
He loves to see the smiles the symbols bring. “It’s such a simple message. I think it speaks to anyone who sees it,” says Mark.
Mark is taking donations of old trampoline frames, white LED Christmas lights, or cash to keep the project going.
Below is a list of where displays are currently installed:
- N. Hennepin Ave., Dixon, Illinois
- E. Bradshaw St., Dixon, Illinois
- 97X Rock and Roll Mansion, Davenport, Iowa
- Lost Nation Rd. and Naylor Rd., outside Dixon, Illinois
- Prophetstown Rd., outside Rock Falls, Illinois
- E. Rt. 30, outside Rock Falls, Illinois
- Duden Rd., outside Rock Falls, next to Rt. 88
- Grand Detour bridge, Grand Detour, Illinois
- Peace Park, Dixon, Illinois
- Rt. 52, outside Dixon, Illinois
- Maple Lane, Sterling, Illinois
- Market St., Mt. Carroll, Illinois
- Zero’s Tap, Dixon, Illinois
- South Rd, Cambridge, Illinois
- Dale Park, Sterling, Illinois
You can learn more about the project here: