Veterans Day – Honoring those who served

Leonard Doubleday, an Army veteran who fought in Germany during the Berlin Crisis had breakfast with his grandson Austin, a Roscoe Middle School student, at the Nov. 11, Veterans Day tribute. Teachers and staff at RMS host the breakfast each year as a thank you to area Veterans.
By Jean Seegers
Each year, Veterans Day is celebrated on Nov. 11. The date commemorates the signing of the armistice ending World War I. Formerly known as Armistice Day, the name was changed to Veterans Day and was designated a national holiday in 1938.
The special day is set aside to honor not only the Veterans who fought for America in World War 1, but for Veterans of all wars and conflicts since that time.
Federal services and some schools are closed on Nov. 11. However, some schools are open and most set aside time to honor veterans with programs and tributes.
Teachers and staff at Roscoe Middle School, National Honor Society, and RMS Student Council members hosted a breakfast buffet and program honoring the Veterans. Many of the students invited family members who served in the military.
RMS students Sean Murphy, Mira Bryson, Jakob Kelp and Zachary Kren read original patriotic poem. The RMS band, directed by Mrs. Boelte, played “Call to the Heroes” and “God Bless America.”
StudentTatianna Crawford sang “America the Beautiful”, accompanied by Mrs. Boelte.
Boy Scout Troop #620 led the Pledge of Allegiance and retired the flag at the end of the program.
The program at Kinnikinnick School in Roscoe began with the Presentation of Colors by Roscoe VFW Post 2955.
Navy Veteran Michael Terrell was the program’s guest speaker. Terrell talked to the students and answered questions about the four years he spent as a Navy Signalman, serving on an air craft carrier.
Fifth grade writers Elijah Peterson, Michael Hautari and Natalie Fry read their original patriotic essays.
Fourth grade students Isaiah Martinez, Lilah Mayberry and Chase Murdock described what it means to be an American and defend our country.
Veterans from the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and Air Force rose from their seats as theme songs from each branch of the service were played.
The program ended with Kinnikinnick students singing “Proud to be an American.”