By Kathryn Menue
BELVIDERE – On Monday, April 4 the VFW Post 1461 donated $1,000 to the Veterans Assistance Commission of Boone County (VACBC).
At 11:30 a.m., VFW Commander Greg Kelm presented the $1,000 check to the VACBC. Veterans Assistance Services Coordinator Kathy Reed at the VACBC office, located at 130 S. State St., Suite 212, in Belvidere, accepted the donation on behalf of the VACBC.
Commander Kelm said the VFW raised the funds for this donation from their recent Tommy gun raffle.
He said 100 percent of the money the VFW raised will go to solely the veterans in Boone County. Reed said this is what the Veterans Assistance Commission of Boone County is all about.
“Money from our community stays in our community,” Reed said.
Reed said the VACBC will use the donation funds for food vouchers for struggling veterans in Boone County. She said that the VACBC will pay for food vouchers for Aldi’s and other local establishments for veterans experiencing financial difficulties. Boone County veterans can use these vouchers to receive the food they need.
The money also goes toward providing nonperishable foods for Boone County veterans in the VACBC office. In the office, the VACBC has a table dedicated to nonperishable food items where veterans in need of assistance can grab a few items when they visit the office.
With the VFW’s donation, the VACBC will be able to provide plenty of nourishment to the Boone County veterans.
“We really appreciate this,” Reed said.

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