Voting machines tested and ready for Election Day
By Anne Eickstadt
“We always have a public test of every voting machine with every precinct,” said Russ Ivie of Liberty Systems. Liberty Systems provides election software and support throughout counties in the State of Illinois. “During the public testing, we zero out the machines so the public can see that there are no results on them – past elections are erased out. The machines will only accept ballots for the precinct they are being used at.”
“These voting machines are new as of last March,” Boone County Clerk Julie Stapler said. Voters have three options: to vote by mail, to vote early in-person at the County Clerk’s office, 1212 Logan Ave., or by visiting their polling location on election day.
Mail-In Voting
“If they have requested a mail-in ballot and change their mind and want to vote in-person, they have to bring their ballot with them and surrender it to the judges to receive their in-person ballot.
“We have a drop-box in place at 1212 Logan Ave. We wanted to have it earlier but we needed to get security in place first.
“We input information about mail-in ballots at If anyone wants to check on their mail-in ballot, they can go to that site and it will tell them when we received their request for a ballot, when we mailed it to them, and when we received the completed ballot. It takes a couple of days for us to update the site but they can check.
In-Person Voting
“Electioneering is not allowed within 100 feet of a polling place on Election Day. This includes facemasks and clothing supporting a specific candidate. If a voter comes wearing a political facemask, we will offer a plain facemask and ask him/her to exchange masks or cover up the candidate/party one so it cannot be read. We will ask them to leave if they refuse.
“We will start tabulation after the polls close at 7 p.m. We will know by the next morning how many ballots still need to be received and election judges will verify their signatures. Official results will not be available for 14 days, until all the mail-in ballots are received.
“We keep our records up-to-date so we can remove those who have died from our registration list. We have things in place to minimize voting fraud.
Registration and Early Voting
“Deadlines have already passed for online registration so if you have not yet registered to vote, Grace Period Registration can be done at the County Clerk’s Office, 1212 Logan Ave. You can even register on Nov. 3, but I wouldn’t recommend it. We are averaging 180 voters a day coming in for early voting, so be prepared to stand in line with mask and social distancing.”
The County Clerk’s Office is open for registration and early voting Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 31, from 9 a.m. to noon.