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Spread some love around by joining Heart Hunters in showing care and joy to those on the other side of the window.

By Anne Eickstadt

I don’t know about you, but staying locked in my office makes me want to bounce off the walls. So, I went to Facebook to see what people are doing to stay connected with others in the community. Here are four ideas:

Heart Hunters

In this time of social distancing, we are all trying to spread a little love and compassion. This group was originally started to give us something to do with our kids when we went out on walk. We wanted to promote social distancing while doing an activity with them during a time when we must be so careful. It has grown into much, much more.

Post hearts in your windows, on your doors, wherever you want. They can be made from anything (paper, wrapping paper, cereal boxes) – be creative. Not an artist? That’s ok. Many of us aren’t. Want to go all out? Do it! Out on a walk? Feel free to share about how many hearts you see, colors of hearts or, if you want to, offer up an idea for changing out shapes in our windows. Help to spread the love and feel a little more connected in these uncertain times. Make sure you share your pictures. Some can’t get out so these little hearts (or eggs or bears or whatever) are very comforting. Thank you for joining us.

Isolation Communication

“I saw this idea somewhere, I hope whoever came up with it gets due credit. Great idea! Our neighbor is older and lives alone so I gave her three colored pieces of paper for her window which faces our kitchen window. Green is for ‘I’m OK,’ yellow is for need help with an errand, and red is for emergency. I call it Isolation Communication Let’s all look out for each other, people.”

Sharing Spots

There are little sharing spots springing up in towns and communities where seeds of generosity are spreading like a ripple.

People from our community who have more than they need are sharing with those who have less… If you are in need for any reason or would like to share in some way just place your items on the shelves and take what you need as well. There is no requirement to pay for anything.

Once again please keep your distance from people while shopping and dropping things off and wash your hands before and after each visit.

Please take what you need and leave the rest.

Heroes Work Here

The Christian Youth Theater of Rockford is posting signs around the area to acknowledge those who continue to help others during this time of pandemic. The signs read ‘Heroes work here. Thank you. Be safe.’

“Anything we can do to make someone else’s day easier, especially when they have to leave their children, leave their home, and take the risk of becoming infected,” said Karen Anderson from the Christian Youth Theater.

“Those that are on the front lines, they don’t have the luxury of staying tucked away like many of us do,” said Christy Dayton from Christian Youth Theater Group.

“Hopefully others will find some inspirations and make little gestures themselves, whether it’s putting a heart on their mail box to appreciate their mail carrier or putting signs in their own windows.”

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