WCSO sponsor 815 Alive education program

Young members of 815 Alive gather for a photo after the organization received donations from Rock-ford Police and the Sheriff’s Dept.
The Rockford Police Department and the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office came together last Wednesday to present their checks for their sponsorship of 815 ALIVE and its Education Department. This program will provide remote learning opportunities for the youth in Rockford.
815 ALIVE’s Education Department has also teamed up with the Rockford Art Museum to provide a safe and positive environment while giving the youth of Rockford the opportunity to learn.
In a recent live interview with 815 ALIVE CEO/Founder Brandon Gordon, Rockford Police Chief Dan O’Shea mentioned that systemic issues within education is a contributing cause of the increasing crime in Rockford.
815 Alive’s mission is to inspire the youth of Rockford to love, respect and cherish life by promoting self-love, a love for others, and a love for their community.
If you’d like to know more about 815 Alive and this program, please search for 815 Alive on Facebook or email them at [email protected].