By Bob Balgemann


It’s their park in their little corner of the world. So, they’re being asked how they would like to see it developed.

Residents of the West Grove subdivision in Poplar Grove are being asked to fill out a survey that will help village officials know what they’d like to see in this new park.

The survey is on the Poplar Grove website, Post cards will be sent out and the survey will be open to all village residents. It’s a brief survey with the following questions:

Starting with the most important, rank the following amenities you would like to see at the West Grove Park. Options are as follows: Playground equipment, soccer field, walking path/trail, gazebo/pavilion, ice hockey rink, paved multi-purpose area, exercise equipment, splash pad, and/or baseball diamonds.

In determining a plan for West Grove, what do you believe is most important to consider? Possible answers are age-appropriate entertainment, aesthetics, cost of equipment, and diversification between other neighborhood parks.

Funding such improvements can be a challenge. Would you be interested in participating in fund-raising efforts to help build facilities at this neighborhood park? Yes or No.

Additional suggestions?

No time frame has been established for residents to fill out and return the survey.

Village Trustee Neeley Erickson explained earlier, at a park advisory committee meeting, that the village purchased the land many years ago and designated it as park space.

Since some residents can’t get to committee and village board meetings, she supported sending out surveys by mail and making them available online.

In other action at the Oct. 3 committee of the whole meeting, Poplar Grove officials learned the proposed dog park was still in the works.

Boy Scout Ian Neibarger is planning the facility as an Eagle Scout project. A favorite, possible location is the property across Hill Street from village hall, where not long ago a BMX training track was located.

Neibarger is expected to continue discussion of his project at an upcoming village meeting.

Officials also are taking a look at an ordinance that regulates the size and weight on vehicles that use village streets.

Moragra has expressed an interest in seeing some revisions due to changes in the grain business and the number of trucks that travel to and from the company’s downtown plant.

Currently, the company must pay $8,000 a year for permits, no matter how many trucks make those trips.

There will be more discussion in the future.

The same goes with a proposal to purchase new Welcome to Poplar Grove signs for placement at various entrances to the village.

This year’s budget has $10,000 in it for that purpose, and the current idea is to buy a total of eight, four this year and four in 2017-18.

Trustee Don Bawden asked for another quote during the committee meeting. Once that happens, the matter will be forwarded to themselves, when they’re sitting as the village board, for consideration.







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