By Will Hartje

Athletic Director

Winnebago High School

On Saturday, Sept. 24, the WHS Football Team, along with the player’s dads, grandpas, other community members and coaches, worked together in an effort to plant 44 new trees around Winnebago’s Colburn Stadium as part of a new Commemorative Tree Park that will surround the athletic stadium for many years to come.

The commemorative tree park included a total of 46 trees (2 were planted as examples prior to donations), ranging from Service Berry, Red Bud, Prairie Fire Crab, Lancelot Crab and Columnar Maples. Winnebago community members and alumni were quick to turn in tree donation forms to honor, celebrate or memorialize a friend, a classmate, or family members who enjoyed being a fan of all things “Winnebago”.

WHS Head Coach Mark Helm had the idea to begin planting trees around the stadium for the past few years and is excited to see that it is all coming together. Initially the goal was to try to gather donations for at least half the trees this year, and fill the rest the following years, but the response was overwhelming, making the full quota by the planting deadline.

Tree donors and honorees names will appear on a new Colburn Stadium sign that will greet guests as they enter for future events in Winnebago, whether it be a football game, track meet or community event.

WHS Coaches and Players have been anticipating this planting since the initial beautification project was unveiled and are very much looking forward to watching these trees grow over the years.


Members of the WHS Football Team planting one of 44 trees total on Saturday, Sept. 24.

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