Winnebago named ‘Purple Heart Village’

The Village of Winnebago has received a beautiful plaque from The Patriot Members of The Department of Illinois, Military Order of the Purple Heart. Stop into Village Hall to see it.
Winnebago is proud to announce that we are officially a “Purple Heart Village”! We have received a beautiful plaque from The Patriot Members of The Department of Illinois, Military Order of the Purple Heart. USA, which is displayed at the Village Hall.
The Purple Heart is a pin/medal that is presented to our military that have been wounded or killed in action defending our country.
Aug. 7 is National Military Order of the Purple Heart day, a day to recoginize all who are awarded the medal.
A Purple Heart flag was introduced during the Veteran’s
Day program at Winnebago High School on Nov. 11. It was carried in by Grace DiBenedetto, who’s great-grandfather was a Purple
Heart reciepeint.
This is a great privilege and the village is proud to honor
its Active Duty and Veterans.