Winnebago Public Library looks back on landmark accomplishments

The Winnebago Public Library Board of Trustees, along with Library Director, Katie Schmoyer pose alongside the new electronic sign outside the Winnebago Public Library. Pictured from left: Jim Ferrar, WPL Library Director Katie Schmoyer, Wanda Cwiklo, Staci Thompson, Gary Brown, Jaquie Olsen, Tracy Kruse and Neil Potter.
The Winnebago Public Library Board of Trustees, along with Director Katie Schmoyer and her staff, look back on 2021 and are excited about the things they were able to accomplish together. They were able to check several long-term projects off their list, despite pandemic challenges.
The first long-term project that not only benefits the library but the community at large was the library’s effort to update its internal lighting to energy-efficient lights. This upgrade allowed the building a total reduction of 63% energy and an annual savings of close to $4,500.
In addition to the lighting upgrade, the library was able to bring the bathroom up-to-code, replace bookshelves for nonfiction books, added security cameras, and upgraded gutters.
This accomplished project list was accompanied by the library paying off it’s 30-year-loan for the building’s addition.
Another project that has probably caught the community’s attention is the library’s new digital sign. The illuminating sign now lets community members know vital information happening at the library. This project has been on the Director and Board of Trustees wish list for many years. They were excited to see this project finally completed and hope the community enjoys the aesthetic update.
Another aesthetic update is the maintenance and landscaping done to the lot located south of the library. The trees have been trimmed and picnic table areas have been mulched.
There are exciting updates that will benefit the entire community coming to this area in the future.
The library is excited to work with other community organizations to make these exciting plans a reality. The community can expect more information on this update in the future.
While updates to the library have been a top priority to the Director and Board of Trustees, the library Director, Katie Schmoyer, has been keeping the library’s community room busy with events that serve our community.
The community room has served as a location for blood drives, vaccine clinics, and a polling place, just to name a few. Additionally, the Director has helped boost involvement in the library’s reading program. The library saw an outstanding 167 participants in 2021.
Board of Trustee President, Staci Thompson, noted, “I’m proud to work with such a committed Board of Trustees and library staff who truly want the Winnebago Public Library to be the best it can be for our community. Crossing off many of these facility plan items is very exciting!”
Thompson went on to say, “Many of these projects would not have been possible without the committed work of many who served on the WPL Board of Trustees in prior years. I believe our current Board of Trustees, Library Director and staff will continue to embrace the same type of future-forward thinking.”
Thompson is excited about future planning and projects to continue enhancing library services. Board of Trustee members and director would like to thank the community group, Friends of the Library, for their continued support and donations to make projects possible. The Board of Trustees meet in February to begin work on their five-year-strategic plan.