Seth Lightfoot, Winnovation mentor, configures the new CNC machine.

Earlier this year, members of FIRST Robotics Team 1625 Winnovation received a $3,000 grant from In Youth We Trust of the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois. Winnovation used these funds to purchase a tabletop CNC.
While the students have learned how to use manual mills and lathes, the CNC will allow students to draft more specialized robot parts in CAD and send their drawings to the CNC to be machined.
Having this technology in our shop means the students can create more parts for their robot from start to finish, versus sending it out to one of the team sponsors. Co-Lin Metals Fabricating Inc., a local metal fabricator, also designed and donated a specialized table for the new equipment.
Winnovation greatly appreciates receiving this grant from IYWT and looks forward to sharing this machining resource with other FIRST robotics teams in the area.

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