Young authors study, present ‘The Rainbow Fish’

Delaney Behnke, Aaliyah Stoll, Ashlynn Carlson and Jenna Spielman show the scales that the rainbow fish shared.
Young authors study, present ‘The Rainbow Fish’
The featured story for the January PAW (Pecatonica Aspiring Writers) meeting at Pecatonica Elementary School was the book The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. It tells the story of a colorful fish that thinks he is better than all the other fish, because his scales are the more colorful than all the others.
He does not have any friends because of his superior attitude. Only with the advice from a wise octopus that he should share his beautiful scales with other fish does he learn humility and is able to gain the friends he so desperately craves.
After the story, the students wrote about a time when they were kind to someone else, while munching on goldfish crackers. They will be writing books to share at the February PAW meeting.