Win-Bur-Sew’s day crews were training on rural water set up and drafting recently. Homes and properties outside the village do not have hydrants to supply the water, Win-Bur-Sew has two tenders that bring the water to the fire. Both of Win-Bur-Sew’s tenders hold 3,000 gallons of water. Along […]
By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Hononegah High School students earned honors on Monday evening, May 15. The Performing Arts Center stage was a place to celebrate student accomplishments in academics, athletics, sportsmanship, music, leadership and community service. HCHS Principal Chad Dougherty gave a warm welcome, and addressed students. “I want what […]
By Margaret Downing REPORTER The Loves Park City Council, began meeting bi-monthly on June 5. At the meeting the following agenda items were approved: *A resolution was approved authorizing the street department manager to hire low bidder, Stenstrom Excavation & Blacktop Group of Rockford for the “citywide patch project” at […]
The Writer’s Voice Friday, June 9, 23, 10 to 11 a.m., and Tuesday, June 13, 27, 6 to 7 p.m. Calling all writers! A new group is forming and you are welcome to join us for any or all of this month’s meeting times as we gather ideas and input […]
The Earth Force Club at Boone County Conservation District, along with Seth Whitman Elementary School, is working to reduce food waste going into landfills. As part of this project, the group gave two FoodCycler indoor compost machines to the Seth Whitman fifth-grade science teachers, Austin Busker and Eliana Postigo. They […]
By George Howe Reporter On a picture perfect weather afternoon, Pecatonica’s Main Street was lined with American flags and loads of spectators on both sides of the street as theMemorial Day Parade stepped off. For more than 100 years this second largest parade in Illinois (Chicago 1st) was filled with […]