By Trenten Scheidegger CORRESPONDENT Both the Pecatonica boys and girls’ basketball programs have experienced exceptional success throughout the 2022-2023 season. Although both teams come off successful campaigns from last year, these lucrative results are taken, not given. As of the morning of January 6, both programs hold a combined record […]
By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER Winners of the annual 69th District Photo Challenge Con-test sponsored by State Rep. Joe Sosnowski, R-Rockford have been announced. The contest is offered each year to give State-line area residents an opportunity to share their interest in photography with the public. Photo submissions can be of […]
Rockton Firefighters were called to a house fire at 4:43 a.m. on Dec. 29. The fire was located in the 1500 block of Center Street in South Beloit. Initial reports from dispatch indicated the home was vacant. The Fire Chief arrived and reported a working fire in the rear of […]
By Margaret Downing REPORTER It has been 15 years now since I became involved with this Chapter, first coming in contact with the Chapter in the fall of 2007 during planning of the Tri-County Korean War Memorial in the Art Anderson Peace Park in Loves Park. Actually, a year or […]
Curbside delivery The library is open for browsing, but patrons can still use our curbside service! Place your holds online at or call us at 815-234-5107. Not sure what you want? Call us for help! We will call or email you with a confirmation when your holds are ready […]