First Place Winners at the R.E.E.F Trivia Night
MARIANNE MUELLER PHOTOS The Herald The “Lowslearners Team emerged as the first place winner at the 2019 R.E.E.F Trivia Night. Each was awarded a specialized T-shirt, a trophy and a squeeze brain.
MARIANNE MUELLER PHOTOS The Herald The “Lowslearners Team emerged as the first place winner at the 2019 R.E.E.F Trivia Night. Each was awarded a specialized T-shirt, a trophy and a squeeze brain.
Goodwill Industries International’s new president, CEO visits Goodwill Northern Illinois Goodwill Industries of Northern Illinois and Wisconsin Stateline Area (Goodwill Northern Illinois) was honored with a visit from the new Goodwill Industries International (GII) President and CEO Steven C. Preston recently. Preston, former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing […]
SUBMITTED PHOTO The Journal Local native Steven Preston sets to further advance the Goodwill® mission by locking arms on the ground and providing support and resources.
Rockton Yeti Fest welcomes record crowds Yeti Fest which is billed as “A festival where the abominable snow people of Rockton and their friends come out to enjoy come out to enjoy a mixture of winter related activities and is a celebration of all things winter; mainly revolving around Yetis.” […]
MARIANNE MUELLER PHOTOS The Journal The Yeti visited with kids of all ages during the four day event which ran from Jan. 30-Feb. 2. Pictured with the Yeti are: Five-year-old Jude Rockwell of Rockford, Three year old Raelynn Tabb of Rockton and four-year-old Josie Rockwell of Rockford.
Sesquicentennial Dinner featured murder mystery By Kay DeMarco CORRESPONDENT The Pecatonica Sesquicentennial Committee is progressing through 2019 with an event each month. A Ladies and Men’s pageant was held in January with Shannon Mulcahey as pageant director. In February Mayor Bill Smull organized the Sesquicentennial Dinner as a fundraiser for […]
KAY DEMARCO PHOTO The Gazette The close group of actors and royalty gathered together for a photo: Lenny Adrinoglia, Lisa Lauderdahl, Karlee Dodd, Glen Wiegert, Denise Cacciapaglia, Gary Moore, Philip Behnke, Kim Mathieu, and Katie Smull. In front is Truman DoBran, Trinity Stifter, and Bekhym Nolan.
Winnovation Robotics team to hold Open House The local FIRST Robotics team, Winnovation, comprised of students from Winnebago High School and Pecatonica High School, is well underway in its 15th season. The team is led by Brandon MacLaren and mentored by Seth Lightfoot, Carrington Hong, Noah Schroeder, Mark Kleckler, Scott […]
DOUG SCHRODER PHOTO The Gazette “Stone Cold” the Byron High School entry in the 33rd Illinois State Snow Sculpting competition.
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