Belvidere Park District hosts Sunday night movie series By Kathryn Menue Editor BELVIDERE – “So stand with us and ask yourself one question. Do you believe in Santa Clause?” the character C.F. Cole asks in the 1994 version of Miracle on 34th Street. For some children, this can be a […]
Belvidere Republican
Support small businesses on Small Business Saturday
By Bob Russell Guest Contributor BOONE COUNTY – Small Business Saturday is a shopping holiday held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. It was introduced and promoted by American Express Company and was first observed on Nov. 27, 2010. Small Business Saturday […]
Thanksgiving Day prayer
By Bob Kopp Columnist “Make a joyful noise to the Lord! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing! He is God! He made us! We are His! Come with thanksgiving! Praise Him! Thank Him! He is good! His love lasts forever!” -Psalm 100 I’ll never forget […]
Thanksgiving: So much to be thankful for
By Bryan Golden Guest Columnist Thanksgiving is much more than a big meal with family and friends. It’s a time to reflect on, and be thankful for, all of the good things you have. Even with all of the uncertainty and turmoil in the world, you have so much to […]
Thaw your Thanksgiving turkey safely to have healthy holiday meals
BOONE COUNTY – The holiday season is right around the corner. Friends and family will soon be gathering around dinner tables across the nation to celebrate Thanksgiving during which many will be enjoying the traditional turkey Thanksgiving dinner. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Minnesota is ranked first in U.S. […]
Looking forward to cranberry filled Thanksgiving
By Ann Marie Cain Winnebago-Boone Farm Bureau Manager BOONE COUNTY – One of the traditional sides to Thanksgiving dinner is the cranberry sauce. Some are used to the round red slices of cranberry sauce served from a can. Others serve a homemade cranberry sauce that resembles a cranberry salsa. My […]
Travel safety tips for your Thanksgiving holiday
NATIONWIDE –The Thanksgiving week ahead is one typically filled with travel, a busy schedule and potentially bad weather. “Don’t let this hectic time of year sidetrack you from safety on the road,” FEMA Region V Administrator Andrew Velasquez III, said. “Take some time now to talk to your family about how […]
Thanksgiving message from the General Society of Mayflower Descendants By Lea Sinclair Filson, Governor General General Society Mayflower Descendants (GSMD) On Nov. 26, as you carve the turkey, and look around the table at your loved ones, there are important lessons you can teach both young and old about our […]
Concordia Lanes announces top bowlers from junior league By Kathryn Menue Editor BELVIDERE – Twice a week, Concordia Lanes, located at 1205 Logan Ave. in Belvidere, hosts junior bowling league where children from the area can improve their bowling skills by bowling once a week throughout the school year. Each […]
Local horticulture educator wins state award
BOONE COUNTY – Candice Miller, University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator, has been awarded the 2015 Illinois Extension Agriculture Association Action Award. The IEAA Action Award is presented to members who have displayed early career initiative in both program design and delivery, while having been with Extension for less than […]