Belvidere Republican

My 4-H Story: Horse story

My 4-H Story: Horse story

By Makenzie Conklin Guest Contributor BOONE COUNTY – My years in the horse projects have not only increased my knowledge of horses, but also helped me gain confidence. My first year in 4-H I thought I was an expert on horses. I was very surprised when I joined horse bowl […]


My 4-H story: Photography, video

By Hannah Beran Guest Contributor I enjoy photography. It is a good excuse to get outside every once in a while. This year I learned about different types of cameras and recently learned about instant cameras. I had never seen one until I saw my friend use one at a […]


My 4-H Story: Getting started in 4-H

My 4-H Story: Getting started in 4-H

By Megan Clarida Guest Contributor BOONE COUNTY – Growing up, I was told that there wasn’t a close enough 4-H club for me to attend. So with that being said, I continued on with admiring all the hard work and dedication that I saw 4-Hers put into their animals at […]


My 4-H Story: Sheep story

My 4-H Story: Sheep story

By Nickole Ryan Guest Contributor BOONE COUNTY – I would like to share with you information on my lamb project.   This was my fourth year choosing a lamb to show. It seems like each year we learn more and more about shows and animals.   This year was one of them.   […]


My 4-H story: Electricity

My 4-H story: Electricity

By Nathan Kolthoff Guest Contributor BOONE COUNTY – This is my first year in 4-H also my first year in electricity. I wanted to learn about electricity because I love learning about how things work. I also love to build things and watch them work. This year I took Electricity […]


My 4-H Story: woodcarving

My 4-H Story: woodcarving

By Lars Carlson Guest Contributor BOONE COUNTY – I like to do things with my hands and my tools. I started last year building and rehabbing birdhouses for people at church. I did a Natural Resources 4-H project on birdhouses and feeders and I started to notice that there were […]


4-H prepares youth for the challenges of life

BOONE COUNTY – Boone County youth are joining the more than six million 4-H members across the nation in celebration of National 4-H Week Oct. 4 through Oct. 10. Last year, 403 young people in Boone County were involved in 4-H community clubs where, assisted by volunteer adult leaders, they […]


My 4-H story: My journey through 4-H

My 4-H story: My journey through 4-H

By Taylor Davis Guest Contributor BOONE COUNTY – This marks my last year in 4-H, and it is very bittersweet. It means that I can take what I have learned in 4-H and apply it to pretty much everything in my life, from college to jobs, but it also means […]


Boone County 4-H clubs invite children to be new members

BOONE COUNTY – One out of every seven adults in the U.S. is a former 4-H member. Clubs are accepting new members this month to grow that number even higher. 4-H members in the county will join the six million youth across the country in celebrating National 4-H Week Oct. […]


Clemency Hearing for Former Rockford Police Officer

BOONE COUNTY – Boone County State’s Attorney Michelle Courier has announced that Daniel Cruz, the off-duty Rockford Police Officer responsible for the DUI crash in May 2012 in Boone County, has filed a petition for Executive Clemency which is set to be heard before the Prisoner Review Board in Springfield […]

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