Belvidere Republican

Poplar Grove continues working toward making West Grove Park

Poplar Grove continues working toward making West Grove Park

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER One of the goals of many village officials has been to increase the number of residential parks for the community. They have been discussing such a park in the West Grove neighborhood and, after action by the village board Monday, Dec. 19, they are moving that […]


Belvidere Police Department makes generous donations to VACBC

Belvidere Police Department makes generous donations to VACBC

Christmas came a little early to the Veterans Assistance Commission of Boone County (VACBC) in 2016 when representatives of the Belvidere Police Department stopped by to deliver some very generous donations on Tuesday, Dec. 20. “We were thrilled and very appreciative of this very generous donation,” VACBC Superintendent Bob Ryder […]


Belvidere moves ahead with buying new rescue pumper

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER The Belvidere City Council has agreed to purchase a new rescue pumper from the Alexis (Ill.) Fire Equipment Company at a cost of $425,285. The 9-0 vote with one absent came during council’s Monday, Dec. 19 meeting, and there was some urgency surrounding the decision. Aldermen […]


Trudy Catherine Metzger, 65

Trudy Catherine Metzger, 65

Trudy Catherine Metzger, 65, of Rockford, formerly of Belvidere, went to be with the Lord on Saturday, Dec. 24, in the loving presence of her family at Wesley Willows in Rockford. The daughter of Walter and Marlette (Winterland) Metzger, Trudy was born on Aug. 27, 1951 in Belvidere. She worked […]


Area Korean War veterans gather for Christmas dinner

Area Korean War veterans gather for Christmas dinner

By Margaret Downing REPORTER Approximately 65 Korean War veterans and spouses attended the Korean War Veterans Association annual Christmas banquet held at Hoffman House in Rockford on Saturday, Dec. 17. It may have been a cold and snowy day, but everyone seemed in good spirits, happy to meet with long […]


Recycle Christmas trees from Jan. 1 through Jan. 15

Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful will open sites in Belvidere, Cherry Valley, and Loves Park where natural Christmas trees can be chipped and recycled into mulch from Sunday, Jan. 1 through Sunday, Jan. 15. Recycling trees, a renewable resource, conserves valuable landfill space and returns vital nutrients to the earth while […]


New Boone County chairman makes committee selections

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Newly elected Boone County Board Chairman Karl Johnson has made his choices for seats on the seven standing committees of the board. Each of those committees is made up of five county board members. They meet monthly and consider various issues facing the county. After those […]


Improv Anonymous performs Christmas special

Improv Anonymous performs Christmas special

By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER The Belvidere North High School (BNHS) Improv Anonymous team brought another show to the community on Thursday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. in the BNHS Café. “I like it,” BNHS Assistant Principal Matt Fry said. “They are very talented. It’s always fun to come here and […]


Local musicians perform for great holiday cause

Local musicians perform for great holiday cause

By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER The seventh annual Toys for Tots Christmas Concert was held at the Community Building Complex of Boone County on Saturday, Dec. 10. Sgt. Kerry Kline, Senior Vice Commandant of Rockford Marine Corps League greeted everyone at the front door. “We cover Boone, Winnebago, and Stevenson Counties,” […]


Santa comes to Ida Public Library

Santa comes to Ida Public Library

By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER Families braved the blowing, snowy night on Friday, Dec. 16 to visit the library and meet Santa Claus. Santa was coming to meet the weekly story time group. “Santa is coming to my bilingual reading storytime for children up to the age of 6-years-old. This story […]

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