The Gazette

Pecatonica hits the EPC wall

By Chris Johnson Sports Correspondent The match-up the Eastland-Pearl City Wildcats worked through on Friday, Sept. 9, against the Pecatonica Indians played out about how it was to be expected. The home team dismantled their Winnebago County visitors, 49-8. They controlled the line of scrimmage and ran the ball efficiently. […]


Indians loss at Lena-Winslow drops team to 0-2 on season

By Chris Johnson Reporter The Lena-Winslow Panthers got what they needed on Friday night, Sept. 2, as they handily defeated the Pecatonica Indians football team 42-0. A running clock appeared to be the only thing the Panthers were working against, preventing them from adding to their total. Lena-Winslow found holes […]


Bulldogs struggle with early season schedule

By Chris Johnson Reporter Following a loss to the Polo Marcos, 45-6, on Friday, Sept. 2, the Durand Bulldogs now look at a schedule that perhaps eases up a bit. In their season opener, the Milledgeville Missiles imposed their will upon the visiting Bulldogs in a 50-0 win. Durand could […]


Pecatonica Committee talks tax referendum

By Chris Johnson Reporter On Tuesday, Sept. 1, Trustees acting in the capacity of a committee member welcomed discussion on the possibility of a tax referendum appearing on an upcoming ballot. Public Works Director Mark Rust presented the issue, even though it may be a situation that Pecatonica residents may […]


Unknown Soldier

Unknown Soldier

Winnebago win helps team keep pace with Big Northern leaders

Winnebago win helps team keep pace with Big Northern leaders

By Chris Johnson Reporter The Winnebago Indians got a much needed win on Friday night, Sept. 2, as they defeated the Stillman Valley Cardinals, on the road, a rarity in itself, 30-20. It would be a night that featured a consistent offense for Head Coach Mark Helm, as Winnebago found […]


Teachers and staff settle in to school season

By Chris Johnson Reporter A decision made by the Trustees with the Pecatonica School Board of Education approved a plan, in an earlier session, which would allow for the opportunity for even better developing relationships between instructors and their Kindergarten students. Some discussion had been held in regards to possibly […]


Pec Indians stay close but fall in season opener

Pec Indians stay close but fall in season opener

By Chris Johnson Reporter As the 2016 fall football season began, fans in Pecatonica knew their team would be home and they would be celebrating their seniors. Unfortunately a win couldn’t be celebrated as the East Dubuque Warriors came away with the 27-6 conference victory. In a spin on the […]


‘Bago’s Indians make statement in season opener

‘Bago’s Indians make statement in season opener

By Chris Johnson Reporter The question of playing for the win at home is one that many coaches face as a season progresses. On Friday night, Aug. 26, as the 2016 fall sports season got underway, the Winnebago Indians scored late and pulled to within one point of the 2015 […]


Friday Night Frenzy caps the 2016 summer with 3rd Annual Plant Sale

Friday Night Frenzy caps the 2016 summer with 3rd Annual Plant Sale

Join your friends, family, and neighbors on Friday, Sept. 2, for Friday Night Frenzy in Downtown Durand! The Third Annual Fall Plant Sale returns with a variety of flowers and plants to dress up your yard for autumn. The event runs from 4:30 until 8 p.m. The Fall Plant Sale […]

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